

Recorded Thursday, October 15th, 2015

How can we defeat depression?

On a cross-country airplane trip in 1989, Pastor Henry Wright began a conversation with God. He was about to minister to a woman who had a compromised immune system, which had produced a serious disease. He asked, “Father, why is this woman sick?” The scripture that came to Pastor Wright was this:

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Pastor Wright’s pre-med training led him to consider the immune system, which is created in the marrow of the bones. If the woman had a broken spirit, it would affect the marrow and weaken her immune system, producing a physical disease.

Arriving at her home, Pastor Wright gently asked, “Who broke your heart?” The woman began to cry—stunned that he would be able to put his finger so completely on her issue. As he began to minister with truth from the Bible, she received God’s love. Through continued discipleship in scripture, it wasn’t long before the disease vanished. She became whole and healed in spirit, soul, and body!

A Humble Beginning

Dr. Wright’s first church was in Florida, but he soon found himself looking for a place to establish a training center for the principles he was discovering in the Word of God. He moved his family and ministry to a small campground nestled in the foothills of the Pine Mountains in mid-central Georgia. They established a church and began helping dozens of very sick people from all over the world. Some joined them at the campground and lived in campers and trailers, while others received ministry by telephone. Little by little, most got well and were able to return to their homes, while others continued to come for help.

Today: Establishing Generations of Overcomers

The church and ministry have grown, and to this day the global reach is felt as folks from every corner of the world share a few days or weeks of their lives with us learning truths from the Word of God. If you stop by for church on Fridays or Sundays, you’re likely to meet folks from South Africa, Australia, Europe, Canada, as well as

Today, Dr. Wright and his team minister at the Thomaston campus every month and in cities across the U.S. and Canada.Visit to learn more.

Depression affects approximately 14.8 million Americans and is the #1 mental illness in the U.S.

During this call, you will discover:

  • Why are so many Christians depressed?
  • Is it God’s will for Christians to be depressed?
  • What are the roots of depression?
  • What does God’s word say about depression?
  • How can Christians break free from depression?

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Henry W. Wright is the president and founder of Be in Health Global,located in Thomaston, Georgia. He was exposed to the power of spiritual healing at an early age when his mother was miraculously cured of terminal cancer and a fatal tumor that was wrapped around her jugular vein. Today, Wright is committed to the belief that human problems are fundamentally spiritual, with associated physical and psychological manifestations. With his pre-med background and insights into the medical as well as the spiritual aspects of disease, he brings a fresh perspective to the process of ministering to the sick. He has presented seminars worldwide and across broad denominational lines for a number of years and is a frequent guest on many well-known television and radio programs.