

Recorded Tuesday, August 25th 7-8pm EST

What is intercession, and how does it relate to our business life? How can we pray more effectively in order to see God move in our workplace and in our personal lives?

During this call, discover the importance of having a prayer shield around you, the importance of layers of prayer, the importance of informed and strategic intercession, and how pray increases the fruit and lessens the casualties. Os will also have a special guest on the call – Sharon Curtis Gerlach!

In this teleseminar, you will discover:

  • Why intercession is important to your marketplace call
  • Why you need people praying for you
  • How to develop prayer strategy
  • What Os has learned about prayer
  • How we can be vulnerable to Satanic attack
  • How to find intercessors
  • How our prayer life is like the roots of a tree and the limbs of a tree
  • And much more

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Os Hillman is president of Marketplace Leaders, an organization whose purpose is to help men and women discover and fulfill God’s complete purposes through their work and to view their work as ministry.

Formally Os owned an advertising agency but is now an internationally recognized speaker on the subject of faith at work. He is the author of 14 books and a daily email devotional called TGIF Today God Is First which has thousands of readers in 105 nations. Os hosts a national radio show, Faith, Work and Culture with Os Hillman. Os has been featured on CNBC, NBC, LA Times, New York Times, and many other national media as a spokesperson on faith at work. He is a regular contributor to TenTen magazine,,, and

Os is also president of Aslan, Inc. which provides a leading online “faith-at-work” Christian bookstore called to serve the needs of Christians in their workplace calling.

Os serves on the National Day of Prayer Committee and is a national board member for The Jesus Alliance.

Os attended the University of South Carolina and Calvary Chapel Bible School, a ministry of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California. Watch Os’ Video Testimony