

Dr. Lance Wallnau shares on the 7 Mountain Strategy with host Os Hillman. Lance has a very deep understanding of the current “season” we are in in terms of what God is doing in the nations today. Lance is a very highly-sought consultant to ministries, local churches, businesses, Fortune 500 companies, global business and political leaders at a national level, and even hundreds of delegates to the United Nations. Lance speaks from what God has been preparing in His heart for the past several years on how God’s people are to re-claim the 7 major “mountains,” or key areas of dominant influence that shape the culture of a society. It is a very personal message to the individual as well as to the Body of Christ at large. Lance was also a keynote speaker at the 2008 and 2009 Reclaim 7 Mountains Conference.


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Dr. Wallnau is celebrating fifteen years of service to national and international leaders and business leaders as a consultant and personal coach. He is sought out as a resource for ministries, businesses, and Fortune 500 corporations. His workshops are in demand because he helps people find a track into personal and organizational transformation. The Lance Learning Group is the place where Dr. Wallnau shares his lifetime research in the field of organizational and personal transformation. He regularly consults with leaders and ministry networks. Six times a year he conducts an intensive learning retreat called "The Great Connection Weekend" where participants learn how to connect with God, self, and others at a whole new level.