

Sometimes in life, God decides to use the simplest little things to initiate a great change among his creation. This is possibly the only explanation for what has happened as a result of just a few words added to the back of a business card by one successful American business owner. This book unlocks the secret of how these few words have changed a man, a community, and quite possibly tens of thousands of businesses and millions of people around the world. Follow along with a front row seat to view real life stories of Peter and his co-workers as an owner transitions from running a successful business his way to completely giving it over to God to operate His way! You hold in your hands an amazing account of challenge, adversity, and ultimately triumph. Be careful…reading this book just might change you in ways you never imagined.

Book purchase INCLUDES download of the teleseminar with Polydeck CEO Peter Freissle, whose story is written in the book!

In this teleseminar, you will discover:

  • Peter’s transformative story of “my business” to “His business”
  • How serving his employees generously propelled Polydeck into profitability
  • The simple but effective ways they serve their employees
  • How employee turnover went from 30% to 3%
  • How employee loyalty went through the roof
  • How the company is able to point to God as the source of their servant leadership and profitability
  • How you can implement these same principles in your organization


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For over two decades Dr. Steve O. Steff has served businesses and individuals across the nation as counselor, consultant, and coach. As Founder of Crisis Care International, Steve is recognized as one of the leading experts in crisis response and intervention in the workplace. Steve is seen by his peers as a pioneer in workplace ministry movement, and has a passion for touching lives for Christ in the workplace. Most recently, Steve is focusing on business coaching and personnel development, providing insight to business leaders and managers in helping them balance their life, while maximizing performance. Steve holds a doctorate in Leadership and Business Ethics, as well as Masters degrees in both Counseling and Biblical Studies. Steve and his wife Kathleen are crossing their third decade together, and are the parents of one grown son, Jeremiah. Companies across the US have benefited from Steve s coaching and consulting.