

Every person has a desire to make a difference. Whether you are a CEO, housewife, student, manager or church leader, you have a circle of influence. Os Hillman’s new book, Change Agent, helps you understand how to be a person of influence and why God is calling men and women to be change agents in culture. Hillman provides in-depth understanding of why America is losing its moral compass and what must be done to recapture it. He helps individuals understand the processes God uses to raise up His change agents in culture as found in biblical biographies like David, Daniel, Esther, and Moses to name a few. He also profiles modern-day change agents and how they have shaped culture and what we must do to have greater influence. Age, social status and financial resources are not necessary requirements to be a change agent. Hillman shows you how you can be a change agent right where you are. Hillman also says that “culture is shaped by the 7 mountains of cultural influence – business government, media, arts and entertainment, family, education and the family. We thought we could shape culture just by getting more Christians in the culture. This has proven not to be true. Culture is shaped by a small percentage of leaders operating at the tops of these cultural mountains. Consequently it requires us to have greater influence at the tops of these culture shaping areas.” Hillman features a chapter on each of the 7 cultural mountains and describes where we are and what we must do to influence these strategic areas.


As a Christian we are called to be “change agents.” We are to be used of God to point people to Christ and let Him do the changing. If people are being changed, society and culture will be changed as well. Os Hillman does a great job of showing how we can be change agents of the Lord Most High in the realms of our life.
– David Green, Founder and C.E.O, Hobby Lobby

The book Change Agent provides both a map and the indispensable radar upgrade needed so that our days of “blind bombing” in prayer, evangelism and social activism can get recalibrated in expectation of hitting the target and having the impact we all intuitively know our message should carry. Os’ latest book lays a foundation for personal and institutional impact that is both practical and paradigm jarring!
– Lance Wallnau, Lance Learning

The Bible says to pray “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” But what does that look like and what are Christians to do in the face of the dramatic moral decay of society today? Os Hillman answers those questions with a comprehensive blueprint for change agents. First, he grounds the reader in a biblical worldview framework for society. But, before he says “charge into the battle,” he takes the reader through the refining process of character preparation. Finally, he paints the picture of how change agents can extend the kingdom on earth through the 7 Mountains of society. In this book, Os has given Christians an essential tool to equip them for God’s call on their lives in one of the most tumultuous periods in history.
– Dr. John Mulford, Director, Regent University Center for Entrepreneurship, Professor, School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Former Dean, School of Business

This book is very timely written as the world groans for the “sons and daughters to arise” as Change Agents to bring solutions to lives, society and nations. There is a prophesy that shall be fulfilled by a passionate group of Kingdom-minded leaders: “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” Revelation 11:15. I believe this book casts a vision for believers to impact our world as change agents in the seven mountains or kingdoms of influence. It will challenge and motivate the readers as it provides a track for understanding God’s processes in the making of great leaders who as catalysts shall become Change Agents.
– Pat Francis, Ph.D., Senior Pastor, Kingdom Covenant Center, Toronto

This book will liberate thousands of people who are in spheres of influences where they sense the call of God on their life and yet no one ever released them to the marketplace to be just what they were called to do….be a Change Agent. This has absolutely, truly blessed my socks off! I am excited for the readers who will glance into their destiny through this book. Outstanding!
– Dr. Cheryl A. Hill, D.Div., President, God’s Green Africa

Not only does Os Hillman provide an honest and comprehensive view of today’s culture, he shows us how we can significantly impact it by becoming God’s change agent. Think you can’t make a difference? Think again. This book will both challenge and encourage you to live a life greater than what you thought possible.
– Larry Julian, Author of God is My CEO, God is My Success and God is My Coach

More than any other, the concept of “7 Mountains” has captured the imagination of Christian leaders internationally. It would be important for us to hear what Os Hillman has to say.
– Landa Cope, Founding International Dean of the College of Communication for Youth With A Mission’s University of the Nations

In his book, Change Agent, Os Hillman combines extensive research, anecdotal referencing, and his personal experiences to deliver another profitable book to the Body of Christ. Those who desire to be a part of reforming our society will find this to be compelling reading.
– Johnny Enlow, Pastor of Daystar Church in Atlanta, Author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy

Os Hillman has produced a profound and practical book that both informed and inspired me. This work will be a tremendous resource for those with a passion for cultural transformation. Well done!
– Wes Lane, Former District Attorney, Oklahoma City, and author of Amazingly Graced

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? – Psalm 11:3, This is the cry of many in our modern-day society, as we have seen the critical foundations of the seven cultural mountains destroyed right before our eyes. In his book, Change Agent, Os Hillman gives us reasons as to why and how these foundations have been destroyed, as well as very practical solutions regarding what we can do now to rebuild our society on solid biblical principles.
– Craig Hill, Founder and President, Family Foundations International

“I am thoroughly enjoying reading your book Change Agent. It is so powerful. Thank you for giving me a copy. I am so blessed and challenged. God has given you such a gift in clarifying a problem, then using research to prove it and then to spur us on to action. And I’m only on the 4th chapter.”
-Cindy Marks, 2013 president of the California School Boards Association

The Holy Spirit is very serious about calling forth an aggressive army of God to transform our society. One of the tangible indications of this fact can be seen in the remarkable mushrooming of superb literature on the subject. Os Hillman’s Change Agent is the latest and arguably the best transformation textbook now available. Let’s regard this as our Operations Manual for pushing back the enemy and inviting God’s kingdom to penetrate our society! Let’s all get it, read it, digest it, and act on it! We can truly be change agents!
– C. Peter Wagner, Chancellor Emeritus and President, Global Harvest Ministries, Founder and Chancellor Emeritus, Wagner Leadership Institute

I am convinced that God is calling Christians to engage both people and social structures with His transforming Gospel. Over the years Os Hillman’s books have inspired, challenged and equipped me for this task in my own business life. I would highly recommend ‘Change agent’ to every Christian who is serious about engaging strategically in God’s call to a ministry of transformation and influence in all of the various spheres of society.
– Graham Power, Chairman, The Power Group of Companies, Founder of the Global Day of Prayer & Unashamedly Ethical, Author of Transform Your Work Life

Master story teller, Os Hillman, has written a book here that should be read by every layman in the country. It presents a good overview of the issues facing our culture today and what we as Christians can do about it. Also a great small group study for people who are willing to rethink many of the culture concepts they have been living with.
– Ralph Palmen, former President, Pinnacle Forum America

“Change Agent is a book I recommend to all of our Pinnacle Partners because it provides a blueprint for culture change.” -Steve Fedyski, CEO of Pinnacle Forum

Os Hillman takes us on a fascinating journey of understanding our unique calling as God’s Change Agent. He clearly identifies the steps that you will have to go through to impact your sphere of influence for Christ.
-Kent Humphreys, Ambassador, FCCI / Christ@Work

Os Hillman’s book offers a great explanation of where God’s Kingdom has come from, where it is at, and where God is leading. Hillman does a masterful job of depicting heroes of the marketplace and other mountains while explaining how we all can become change agents.I recommend this book for all those who have prayed, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.
– Al Caperna, Director, call2all Business Network, CEO, CMC Group

Many marketplace leaders and others are tired of going to conferences and reading books that load them down with information. This book not only provides great biblical teaching in a relative and easily understood manner, it also provides great tools that can be immediately applied to bring change agents into their destinies and actually see transformation in their cities.
– Ford Taylor, President, FSH Consulting Group, Co-founder Transformation Cincinnati/N. Kentucky

I believe Os Hillman’s book is part of a “trumpet call” the Lord is making to His Church, especially in the West. Change agent is a call to action for Christians to put God’s will and his kingdom ahead of selfish agendas. Transformation starts from within and this book inspires total surrender to God’s will for our lives at the foot of the Cross, especially in areas of influence. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God wants us to ‘blossom’ for him wherever he has planted us. Os’ latest book is a wonderful encouragement for us to live radical lives for Jesus Christ.
– Gerard Long, President, Alpha USA

Os Hillman is one of the most recognized and respected marketplace leaders in the Christian Church today. He is a successful entrepreneur himself so he is especially qualified to teach us some of the practical and important principles of Christian entrepreneurship. I strongly recommend this helpful and encouraging book to you.
– Paul Cedar, Chairman, Mission America Coalition

Change agent empowers everyone who desires to cause change. Written with a wealth of experience, this book should be a required reading for everyone who calls themselves a ministry and marketplace leader. I wish I had this book as a young man. Thank you, Os, for leading the way!
– Robert Watkins, President, Kings & Priests International

In recent years, we have heard about God’s Last Days mandate for real, societal transformation. We have seen the glorious evidence of this societal work in pockets here and there. We have heard this mandate preached about at conferences and in churches. Os Hillman’s important book, Change Agent, will not only bring clarity and definition to this mandate, but it will blow the clarion call for what is the message of our generation! Os’ book is filled with deep, biblical insight that will challenge and inspire you to move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. I believe it will soon become a leadership manual for change.
– Paul L. Cuny, President, MarketPlace Leadership International, author of Secrets of the Kingdom Economy

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Dimensions 6 × 9 × 0.5 in

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Product Details
  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Charisma House (August 9, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1616381825
  • ISBN-13: 978-1616381820
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22 reviews for Change Agent: Engaging Your Passion to Be the One Who Makes a Difference (Paperback), by Os Hillman

  1. Susie Alex

    I would like very much to place an order for this book. Is it possible to pay by cheque.
    Awaiting your response for further action

  2. Robin Lawrimore

    My Change Agent book just arrived so I’ve not yet begun the read, but am thrilled that just a year after Os Hillman began the Change Agent Intensive weekends that this is now in print for a wider distribution to Christians. We certainly need to know how to take what we’ve been given by God and influence those around us for the Kingdom with with love for them. Thanks, Os!

  3. Tim Sipes

    After looking through the book Change Agent, I am looking forward to reading and gaining a deeper understanding in how I can be, and teach others to be, a “change agent”.

  4. Bud

    Just started reading-should finish up tomorrow.
    So far it is engaging

  5. Rafic Philippe Khalil

    Thank you for being the channel God uses to convoy such written practical challenging guides, I’m looking forward to study and implement its points right in the home town of Jesus where it all began … we are in real need for genuine and powerful change. God bless you in this service to the body of Christ world wide! Blessings from Nazareth IL.

  6. Letricia Greenwade

    So far, I have only read the opening pages…endorsements/reviews, foreword, and introduction, but the information stirred my heart. Right now I am full of questions, and God will answer each one of them as I delve into the pages of this book. Years ago, I asked the Lord why was I born, and He took me to Rev. 4:11. A couple of years ago, a speaker came to my church and talked about change agents. Two years later, I am reading a book entitled Change Agent… This is no coincidence. I know there are many callings, but one purpose I also know the earth travails as it waits for the manifestation of God’s sons and daughters.

  7. Paula Slaughter

    I just finished Os Hillman’s newest book the change Agent. It has encouraged me greatly in realizing I can influence where god has placed me today.

    It took awhile to get into new information in the book. This was only because I had already read so many of the articles on the website and some of the same examples are used. If you have done the same thing don’t be discouraged keep reading.

    It was eye opening and encouraging to see the impact others are making within the 7 mountain message and how our world could be different.

    The part on the Media Mnt was especially enlighting. I have allowed them to place a cloud cover over my hope. It was a great remind that we already know how the story ends….that we can be victorious, that it doesn’t have to be all gloom and doom.

    Thanks Os…I plan on ordering some of your other books.

  8. Jensine Bard, Jensine Bard Ministries

    Your latest book, Change Agent, is a great, motivating, inspiring and practical guide to making a significant difference in every area of life . . . as a Christian in the marketplace! You’ve done it–you know! Reclaiming the 7 mountains speaks to that in very practical ways and is a great “lighthouse” tool of information for anyone needs encouragement, wisdom and resources to be truly effective as a “change agent” in their arena. A must read on my “list” and I know countless thousands will agree!!

  9. Don Herr

    Well written. Much needed. Caused me to want to be, more than ever, a change agent.

  10. Cheryl Sperling

    I found this book very engaging and easy to read. It gives you great ideas where you can make a difference in your sphere of influence if you are willing to move for God.

  11. Chris Vercelli

    I can definitely say the entire message of this book is a word from God for the hour we are in. Very crucial for ambitious Christians to get a hold of it and realize the power that each of us can have. Highly recomend it!

  12. Gilbert O’Gawa

    I highly recommend this latest book by Os Hillman, as it condenses and brings into clear, organized focus all that he’s been teaching the last decade or more, at the various seminars and meetings I’ve attended.

  13. Phillip Flannagan

    great I bought to give away

  14. Robert Liversage

    I am starting my own business right now – Providential Coatings. God led me to the TGIF daily devotionals several months ago. I read them every day. Ironically (i.e. Providentially), like the writer of the book and the devotionals, I have also been reading “My Utmost” for several years.

    My book review is premature since I am only part way through, but am finding it as practical and spiritually-pertinent as TGIF and My Utmost.

    I believe the most important, foundational message Os Hillman is disseminating through his teachings is that, in ‘God’s eyes’, so-called secular vocations are as much a form of worship and ministry as prayer, church attendance, and pastoring.

    As I reflect on Os’ teachings, I am convinced this is one of the adversary’s primary strategies to try and discourage, and render ineffective the ‘lay-Christian’.

    Thank you Os for ‘heading the call’, and offering up such practical teachings that have the potential of reviving Christianity in the work place.

  15. david adcock

    gave it away for a Christmas present

  16. Judy Morrow

    The truths in this book are absolutely life changing. Obviously we have to be changed before we can be change agents! I have passed it on as the Lord directed and expect to give more copies to others!

  17. Thomas Gavin

    great book

  18. Donald Woods

    Sparks me to become a Change agent, an overt and covert agent changhing every sphere of society with Heaven’s agenda!

  19. Jeanne Curtis

    I am an intercessor, prophetic scribe, burden bearer, ordained minister & licensed nail tech. Reading Change Agent has helped me understand my calling and the current move of God in the marketplace. I recommend this book to all Christians who want to become a greater influence in the world. God Bless your ministry. Thank you for being obedient to the Father. Jeanne Grace Curtis Nails Your Way/Ministries For Christ, Inc.

  20. Anna

    Great book. Easy to read. Easy to understand. Contains a lot of valuable information about religious believes, day-to-day lifestyle, and choices. I would recommend it to everyone!!!

  21. Annette Sova

    It is very thought provoking and challenging.

  22. Thomas Gavin


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Os Hillman is president of Marketplace Leaders, an organization whose purpose is to help men and women discover and fulfill God’s complete purposes through their work and to view their work as ministry.

Formally Os owned an advertising agency but is now an internationally recognized speaker on the subject of faith at work. He is the author of 14 books and a daily email devotional called TGIF Today God Is First which has thousands of readers in 105 nations. Os hosts a national radio show, Faith, Work and Culture with Os Hillman. Os has been featured on CNBC, NBC, LA Times, New York Times, and many other national media as a spokesperson on faith at work. He is a regular contributor to TenTen magazine,,, and

Os is also president of Aslan, Inc. which provides a leading online “faith-at-work” Christian bookstore called to serve the needs of Christians in their workplace calling.

Os serves on the National Day of Prayer Committee and is a national board member for The Jesus Alliance.

Os attended the University of South Carolina and Calvary Chapel Bible School, a ministry of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California. Watch Os’ Video Testimony