What happens when Christian believers take the Word of God literally and begin to apply it where they spend sixty to seventy percent of their waking hours? What happens when they use their spiritual authority in their work lives, reflecting their spiritual value system in their area of influence? What happens when Christians move in a spiritual dimension in their work lives as few have endeavored to do before now?
What happens is that lives, workplaces, cities and nations begin to be transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. His prayer in Matthew, which says “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” becomes a reality in the here and now.
Pathmanathan Asokan –
I enjoy reading the book. It was very encouraging for me.
Armand Dauplaise –
Chapter 9 was so inspiring that in late 2012 we formed a prayer team of 17 women who pray specifically as we request. Their intercessory prayer has helped guide us through 47 months of R&D with a patent pending product that is going to market later in 2016. I recently gave a copy of the book to a businessman friend.